Transform your holiday to-do list with one word


We all agree that Thanksgiving was too late this year, right? It seemed like we weren’t even done with leftovers before Christmas lights started to appear and a steady stream of Amazon boxes filled with gifts began arriving each day.

With the shortened holiday season in full swing, your to-do list is probably even longer than normal. Which means the following question probably runs through your head – like it does mine – about 457 times a day:

What’s next?

Yes, there are many things that must get done in a relatively short period of time. But I’d encourage you to take a moment and remind yourself why you’re doing them, who you’re doing them for, and why they matter so much to you.

That anxiety and stress you’ve been carrying around? It starts to melt away when you answer these questions and is replaced by something wonderful...


Suddenly that to-do list isn’t something you HAVE to do. It’s something you GET to do for the people you care about the most.

So by all means, go crush your to-do list this holiday season. Just make sure you take a moment to remember why crushing it is important in the first place.

Speaking of gratitude, the Assistant, the Intern, Michelle, and I would like to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season filled with family, friends, and fun. 

Thank you for allowing us to play a small part in your lives.

Happy holidays!

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Brian Plain

Financial planner helping Gen X families live better by blending what works best for them financially and emotionally.

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