Is it all flying by too fast?
Photo by Valerie Blanchett on Unsplash
The Concert in Central Park by Simon & Garfunkel was one the first CDs I ever owned and one of my favorite songs from that concert is “Feelin’ Groovy.” The song starts out…
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
How often are we slowing down to make the morning last?
This one is a struggle for me personally. As a planner by both nature and profession, I’m usually thinking about what lies ahead and rationalizing that it allows me to feel more in control about an unknowable future in an uncertain world. But…
Being too future-focused can rob us of the only thing we're promised – the present.
For instance, do I really want to be thinking about what I’m going to write in this post as I walk my daughter to school for her last day of 3rd grade? And why stress about what we’re going to eat for dinner tonight when I can sit down and enjoy breakfast with my family instead?
As the school year wraps up, we’re all looking forward to our summer vacations and the opportunity to slow down. But why are we waiting for vacation to slow down when we can make an effort to be more present every day?
So if you find yourself getting too fixated on the future, take a moment to remind yourself to slow down and come back to the present moment. Because like Paul and Art sang so many years ago, that’s the only way we can truly make the morning last.