A superpower hiding in plain sight
Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash
We often find ourselves ruminating endlessly on the possibility of making big life changes.
Should I change jobs? What if I go part-time? What if we move across the country?
These are just a few examples of the many scenarios that we can be found thinking about on a loop. And while I’d argue these ruminations are good and healthy within reason, sometimes our ruminations cause us to overlook a superpower that’s hiding in plain sight.
Applying the power of perspective to life’s decisions is a superpower we all possess.
Before you make any big life changes, try changing your perspective and see what you might unearth in the process.
Is the problem my job itself? Or is it in the way that I’m approaching it?
Do I really want to only work part-time? Or do I like my income and need to delegate more?
Will moving make things better? Or am I just looking for a quick fix to problems that won’t change no matter where I live?
Change can often be a good and necessary thing. But changing your perspective acts as a good check valve.
It might help you confirm that you do indeed need to make a change. And if it does, you can now do so with even greater conviction.
Or you might find that a perspective change was all that you really needed. You’ll then feel better knowing you avoided making a big life change that wouldn’t have dealt with the real issue.
So before you make any big life changes, don’t forget to apply your superpower – the power to change your perspective – first. It’s the best way I know to create a win-win outcome for yourself no matter what your decision ends up being.