How to calm your financial anxiety


When you’re worried about getting your finances right, it’s common to have a looming, low-grade sense of anxiety around the future and your finances.

After all, there’s a fine line between awareness around your financial well-being and letting your financial anxiety prevent you from enjoying life because you’re too busy planning for what lies ahead.

So how can you fight back against your financial anxiety?

Personally, I’ve found gratitude to be the secret sauce.

My family of three recently became a family of four with the arrival of our daughter Reese. And as many of you know from your own family’s experiences, having a baby quickly helps you realize – and prioritize! – what matters most.

Do I need to apply for her social security number, order extra copies of her birth certificate, and set up her college savings plan? Yes — but that can wait until next week. Right now, I’m just thankful for the flexibility to spend lots of time together as a family of four and grateful for understanding clients who allow and encourage me to do so.

Practicing gratitude can also help you realize that many of your financial fears about the future are unfounded. Remember that your long-term track record of good financial decision-making has helped you get to where you are today.

Take a moment to look around and appreciate all that you’ve already accomplished through a combination of your hard work and good fortune. Your level of financial awareness and commitment to getting it right will allow you to be ok no matter what life throws your way.

If you need help managing your financial anxiety or want another set of eyes to help you make sure you’re getting it right, I’m happy to help.

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Brian Plain

Financial planner helping Gen X families live better by blending what works best for them financially and emotionally.

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