One simple question that helps me stay grounded
“Peace of mind is rarely found in a past remembered, or a future imagined. It’s found in our willingness to embrace this very moment. ”
This pearl of wisdom was shared with me recently by the gentleman with the very soothing voice on my Headspace meditation app.
It’s easy to get caught reminiscing about the past or living for the future while forgetting that the present moment is all that is promised to us.
How do you embrace the moment?
One way can be going full FOMO and living like there is no tomorrow. The problem here — financially and otherwise — occurs when tomorrow shows up. And it does more often than not.
When I catch myself wandering either too far into the past or future, I like to bring my focus back to the present with this question...
What am I going to do with this moment?
This moment — the only one that is promised — I get to choose.
Research SUVs for when my lease is up this summer?
Scroll aimlessly through Facebook viewing everyone’s carefully curated highlight reel?
Or put my computer down, my phone away, and help my daughter practice riding her bike?
Before you fire up the next episode on your Netflix queue this weekend, ask yourself what you’re going to do with this moment. This simple exercise can help you stay present and choose what matters most to you.
And remember...
The Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) > The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).
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